General & Ordering Questions
Who publishes Seasons?
We do! Wood Lake Publishing Inc. We are a small publishing company in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. You can reach us at, call 1.800.663.2775, or email
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Who do I order from?
You can order directly on this website whether you are ordering Seasons in Print, on USB, or on the Web. If you are ordering Seasons Print or on USB you can also phone us at 1.866.505.7687 or email Or, you can contact your Distributor.
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When will my curriculum be shipped?
All Seasons resources in Print and on USB are shipped starting in JULY. If you order on or before June 1st and do not have your curriculum by the end of JULY, call your Distributor or the Seasons HELPLINE 1.866.505.7687.
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Is there any difference between Seasons in Print, on USB, or on the Web?
No, there is absolutely no content difference between any of the Seasons of the Spirit delivery formats. You will receive the same weekly resources along with the Posters (posters will be included in a printed format for customers who choose PRINT delivery for their Seasons resources, as electronic files included on the USB(s) for those who choose USB delivery, and as downloadable digital files for customers who order WEB delivery.) whether you order in Print, on USB or on the Web.
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What ENCORE products do I need to order?
All you need is one resource per class size of up to 12 children in their appropriate age level. Seasons provides all of the Leader planning material and the (reproducible) children’s pages for each week. No extra booklets or leader books required!
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I want to order more products. How do I do that?
You can buy any combination of delivery formats and additional resources on this website, your one stop Seasons shop! Click on the order tab to browse suggested related resources including sheet music downloads, MP3 downloads, projectable art downloads, and more!
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