This is a unique dramatic reading for use in a worship for all ages which includes some interaction with congregation. Preparation: minimal-medium Cast/Characters: 13 adults/youth Scenes: 13 (4 pp) Main Props: Wooden hammer/block, palm branches (congregation), cloaks (congregation), small smooth stones (congregation), coins, red tablecloth, bread, chalice, flowering branch, lantern/candle, feather, crown of thorns/grapevine wreath, nails/hammer, fabric to tear, hand-sized rock Holy Week Journey
Preparation: minimal-medium Cast/Characters: 13 adults/youth Scenes: 13 (5pp) Main Props: Wooden hammer/block, palm branches (congregation), cloaks (congregation), small smooth stones (congregation), coins, red tablecloth, bread, chalice, flowering branch, lantern/candle, feather, crown of thorns/grave vine wreath, nails/hammer, fabric to tear, hand sized rock. - a dramatic reading for use in worship with all ages From the excitement of Palm Sunday, to the sharing of the Last Supper, we begin the hard Holy Week journey through Good Friday to Easter Sunday. And on that journey we encounter humble, ordinary, everyday things like palm branches, cloaks strewn on the ground, a colt, a room, a table, bread, wine, a kiss… all echoing through time, punctuated by the blows of a hammer on rough wood… This is a story of strong feelings, of a great gathering joy, deep despair, loneliness, but still hope. A series of storytellers take part, each of them carrying a symbol of their part of the tale. When their part of the tale is told they will place their symbol on a small low table and depart from the other storytellers. As the story unfolds and the tellers each leave, it is hoped that there will be a real sense of the abandonment that Jesus experienced as he drew closer to his crucifixion. Yet as these tellers join the rest of the community may we all experience the hopefulness in the gathering, the remembering and the cries of praise that could not be contained as even “stones would shout out.” Prepare:
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