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The Day They Killed Jesus


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Dramatic Reading for Easter


This dramatic reading is most effective if lines are carefully rehearsed. It does not require costumes or lighting. The passion should be carried by the voices of the readers.

Preparation: minimal

Cast/Characters: 7 adults/youth

Scenes: 6 (4 pp)

Main Props: colored cloths, Lenten triad, bun/chalice, rope, crown, plant, various sized crosses

The Day They Killed Jesus

A Dramatic Reading based on Luke 22:14—23:56

This Dramatic Reading from Luke is most effective if lines are carefully rehearsed. It does not require costumes or
lighting, the passion should be carried by the voices of the readers.

Preparation: minimal

Cast/Characters: 13 adults/youth

  • Narrator #1 Elder
  • Narrator #2 Pilate
  • Jesus Crown
  • Peter Criminal #1
  • Woman Criminal #2
  • Man Officer
  • Soldier


Scenes: 6 (6pp)

Main Props: colored cloths, Lenten triad, bun/chalice, rope, crown, plant, various sized crosses

Whether done sitting around a circle in a small group, or as part of a worship service in a church sanctuary, this drama needs to be done with dignity and with passion. The participants might wear ordinary street clothes, or they might all wear choir robes. Costumes are not needed, nor are props or special lighting or any other special effects. The passion should be carried by the voices of the readers. There are two narrators who could be on opposite sides of the room or chancel. If this is done in the sanctuary, one narrator might be in the pulpit, the other in the lectern. Jesus should be on one side of the room or chancel, apart from the crowd. All the rest of the characters can be part of the crowd, and one person could play several different roles. When a person is going to play a fairly long scene, they might move away from the crowd just a few feet. Because there are none of the complications that normally go with staging a drama, this may seem like a deceptively simple production. It is simple but, to be effective, the lines should be rehearsed very carefully. It is not necessary for the readers to memorize the text, but they should study and practise them, preferably under the direction of someone who can help them bring more dramatic clarity to the reading.

If possible dim the lights and have subdued lighting. Set room up in a semicircle with a table at the front as a worship center focus, covered with a piece of purple material. Place Lenten Triad with last purple candle lit and white candle representing Jesus, if using that tradition of the liturgy.

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