A pageant narrated by Father/daughter Inkeepers who were witnesses the night of Jesus’ birth. One Christmas carol.
Preparation: medium
Cast/Characters: 14 adults plus children for angels, shepherds, sheep
Scenes: 3 (4 pp)
Main Props: sleeping mats (Inn), table, water jug, sky backdrop, palm tree/plants, stable, manger
The True Story of Christmas
This is based on an original story by Hannah Merrill, an 11-year-old girl from Seattle, Washington, USA. Hannah wrote this when she was 10, and she and her minister, Rev. Catherine Foote, adapted it into a pageant.
Told by Two People Who Were Really There
A pageant narrated by Father/daughter Innkeepers who were witness the night of Jesus’ birth. One Christmas carol.
Preparation: medium
Cast/Characters: 14 adults plus children for angels, shepherds, sheep
Scenes: 3 (5pp)
Main Props: sleeping mats (Inn), table, water jug, sky backdrop, palm tree/plants, stable,
Narrator one
Narrator two
Lia (young girl)
Father (Lia’s parent, the innkeeper; could substitute her Mother)
Inn guest one
Inn guest two
Inn guest three
Aviva (a shepherd girl)
Jacob (a shepherd boy)
Amos (a shepherd man)
Baby Jesus (either a live baby or a doll)
“Extras” can be guests, sheep, shepherds, angels, and animals.
Scenery and props:
Scene one: the Bethlehem inn. Several sleeping mats are on the floor to one side. On the other side is a table with a pitcher of water.
Scene two: the field. The scene is dark – a backdrop with stars to represent the night sky would be appropriate, but is not necessary. Similarly, some potted palm trees or other foliage would indicate an outdoor scene, but is also optional.
Scene three: the stable. A simple stable, complete with hay, lantern, animal care items, is optional; some kind of manger for the baby would be sufficient. Narrators are off to one side throughout. Arrange for amplification as necessary.
Scene One: The Inn
Narrator one: Ooh, look at all these people! It seems like the whole world is here. And so dressed up!
Narrator two: Not like that first Christmas.
Narrator one: Oh? Was that different?
Narrator two: Actually, yes. I remember a story that happened a long, long time ago, about two young girls, children most people thought were not very important. But each girl, on the day – and night – I have in mind, saw something, and learned something, about what it means to be special. The first girl is Lia, who worked with her father running an inn. On this day, Lia was very tired, for they had spent the whole week getting the inn ready for the crowds that were coming to Bethlehem.