About the Season of Creation

When you buy Seasons of the Spirit resources you can be confident that you will be supported with 52 weeks of material based on the Revised Common Lectionary.

Seasons of the Spirit also provides resources to help users celebrate the Season of Creation during the first four weeks of September. Resources for the Season of Creation are based on scripture texts from the three-year Season of Creation cycle of readings.

For the first four weeks of September, Seasons users can choose to celebrate the Season of Creation or follow the Revised Common Lectionary.


The Season of Creation

Many congregations have begun to think deeply about the kind of message they want to convey through their worship, Christian education, and outreach practices, to a world facing significant environmental challenges.

To meet this desire, Seasons of the Spirit includes resources for the Season of Creation, during the first four weeks of September. This season has been observed in many countries for the past several years. While the Season of Creation has its own set of lectionary readings, the readings are designed to provide a three-year cycle that broadly corresponds to the pattern of the Revised Common Lectionary, with each year centred on one of the synoptic gospels: Matthew (Year A), Mark (Year B), and Luke (Year C).

The readings for the Season of Creation invite congregations to join with all members of Earth’s community to “celebrate Earth as a sacred planet filled with God’s vibrant presence” (from Season of Creation charter). In 2017, the Sundays in the Season of Creation are titled Forest, Land, Wilderness/Outback, and River.


Revised Common Lectionary resources for September

When you buy Seasons of the Spirit resources you can be confident that you will be supported with 52 weeks of material based on the Revised Common Lectionary.

While Seasons of the Spirit fully supports the Season of Creation and the important role it can play in promoting care for the environment, we recognize that many congregations may prefer to use resources based only on the Revised Common Lectionary.

For that reason, Seasons of the Spirit also provides lectionary-based resources for the first four weeks in September. These resources follow the SeasonsFUSION format and weekly session flow. The materials for each week include pages of Biblical Background, Reflection and Focus, Bible Story, Stations, Resource Sheets and an Activity Sheet, that take into account various age levels. Suggestions are provided to help SeasonsENCORE users adapt the materials to the needs of their particular group(s).

The lectionary-based materials for the first four weeks of September are only available online but can be accessed by any Seasons Leader using PRINT, USB, or WEB delivery. Instructions for how to access the online RCL materials will be included in the Season of Creation and Pentecost 2 PRINT and USB resources. Those who order WEB delivery will find the RCL materials added to their WEB resources.

Praise for the Season of Creation

I just wanted to say thanks to the publisher of Seasons of the Spirit for making the Season of Creation a focus this year. It was just the nudge I needed to introduce it into our church. I'm sure I would have continued to think about it but not do anything to bring it to being.  Once again thank you.

~ Rev. Cindy Gossling, SK

We love the idea of adding this new season to the church year and we're doing it starting this Sunday – the Season after Pentecost is so long and being from Portland, Oregon, the love of the earth and conservation runs deep in our hearts and souls – I say YES!

~ Page McCafferty Clothier,
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