Theological & Education FoundationThe Vision of Seasons of the Spirit Among Christians today, there is a hunger for:
Therefore, Seasons of the Spirit is intended to be a distinct gift to congregations. This resource:
Seasons of the Spirit invites us to explore meaning and mystery in the Bible through the lectionary. The Word of God is living and active. – Hebrews 4:12 Through the Bible, the Spirit leads us to know God, Jesus Christ, and God’s call to live lives of faith, love, and justice. The Bible contains meaning and mystery beyond the printed words. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are called to engage continually in biblical exploration in a community. We learn from biblical scholarship and value the insights and experiences of people of diverse cultures and life situations and all ages and eras. The lectionary provides an organized, holistic exploration of Scripture, linking education and worship and calling us to service. Through the yearly cycle of readings, we are drawn into the story of God’s creation of all things; God’s calling and forming a people; the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus; and the witness of the early church in the world. Therefore, these resources will:
Seasons of the Spirit encourages us to experience the transforming power of Christ as together worship, sacraments, and education work in our lives. Worship in spirit and truth. – John 4:24 Through worship, liturgy, sacraments, and acts of witness and service, we encounter the living God in community. Together we study and explore the meaning of these experiences as does the church in every time and place. The rhythms of the church both mirror and reshape the rhythms of our own lives and God works redemptively in and through our life experiences. The lectionary, in both its historical use in worship and its use in curriculum, invites us to integrate education and worship. It encourages bonds among all ages and expands ministry beyond traditional Sunday morning settings to include experiences at church, at home, at work, at school, and in the world. Therefore, these resources will:
Seasons of the Spirit calls us into the ecumenical, global, and inclusive heart of the church where these resources are grounded and shaped. So that they may be one. – John 17:22 God calls us into the body of Christ, the church. This church is, at the same time, both one and many. It is one, in that all who respond to Christ’s claim are members of that body. It is also diverse, encompassing persons of various nations, denominations, ages, abilities, cultures, ethnicities, genders, orientations, and economic and social situations. When the church honours and regards both its oneness and its diversity—living with the tension—it expresses the reign of God. We are enriched in our understanding of the faith and strengthened for witness and service in the world as we listen to the voices and receive the gifts of all God’s people. We are all both teachers and learners. Therefore, it is important that these resources be shaped by ongoing interaction between resource users and developers. Therefore, these resources will:
Seasons of the Spirit nurtures faith by engaging the imagination through the Bible, tradition, science, technology, and the arts. So God created... – Genesis 1:27 From the beginning God has been active, creating and revealing God’s self in the world. Humanity, created in God’s image, has opportunities to respond by exercising stewardship of the creation and through faithful acts of human creativity. When these opportunities express God’s truth, love, justice, and shalom, then God’s reign is revealed. Throughout history, God’s reign is known in tradition when social, religious, political, and cultural actions and practices are redemptive. God’s reign is disclosed through life-enriching scientific discovery and through many forms of the arts that express truth, beauty, and the spirit of humanity and of God. Even when we squander these opportunities, rebel against God’s will, misuse human knowledge, and use the arts to distort the truth, God’s reign continues to be revealed. We can participate once again in God’s creative and revealing moments. Through faith and by imaginatively experiencing the story of the Exodus, we too cross the sea. Through baptism, we enter the water with Jesus and become one of his own. Examining the mysteries of the universe, we discover the expansive power of God. Engaging the arts, we encounter God in deep and unexpected ways. Therefore, these resources will:
Seasons of the Spirit engages responsibly and creatively the contemporary teaching and learning environment of Christian congregations and parishes. Go therefore and make disciples... teaching them. – Matthew 28:19–20 The educational task of the Christian community radiates throughout every aspect of its life. Education is strongly linked to worship and service, witness and ministries of compassion, the biblical account and the church’s story, Sabbath and the rhythms of daily life. God’s people are commanded to teach the faith "when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise" (Deuteronomy 6:7). Every Christian is, in a deep sense, a teacher of the faith, called into the world to make disciples, teaching through word and deed the way of Christ. Thus, the Christian community needs educational resources that are faithful, comprehensive, and alert to the many places where and the many persons through whom education occurs in the church’s life. Therefore, these resources will:
Seasons of the Spirit sends us into the contemporary world—its current events, issues, knowledge, and discoveries—as an arena to test, share, and live out our faith. For God so loved the world... – John 3:16 The constantly changing world in which we live each day is filled with the active presence of God. Jesus Christ was born into the world, lived passionately in the world, and gave his life on behalf of it. Christ continues to reveal God’s love for the world. Following Christ’s example, we have both the opportunity and challenge to seek God in the world and to respond to the cries of those in need. God is present now, in our time. God may be known when and where we least expect it—in friend and stranger, joy and sorrow, comfort and challenge. God is among those who are marginalized, the suffering, and those in crisis. As we are formed in faith, God urges us to engage in the world by naming and confronting the powers of sin and death that seek to thwart Christ’s way of compassion and justice. God calls us to accept the cost and joy of discipleship and prayerfully examine what it means to live faithfully today. Therefore, these resources will:
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