Seasons delivery formats

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Seasons of the Spirit is available in an online downloadable format

get it on the web

best price

Seasons on the web is a delivery method of Seasons of the Spirit that allows you to view, download, and print what you need from your Seasons of the Spirit resources via the Internet.

Seasons on the web is available whenever you need it and wherever you are.

Your annual membership for Seasons on the web gives you a full year (September to end of August) of resources for less than the price of nine months of Seasons resources in print, on USB, or any comparable resource.

If your congregation or leaders are Internet-equipped, Seasons on the web is your best choice. It requires no shipping (unless you order related resources or printed art posters) and is the most earth-friendly way to publish. Seasons on the web includes the same material as Seasons in print and Seasons on USB, but immediate online updates and your summer program free.

Access to your online material including art posters to view on screen is immediate!

Seasons of the Spirit is available on disk

get it on USB

resources on USB

Seasons on USB is a delivery method that provides the Seasons of the Spirit resources as digital files on a USB.

One year of resources includes four “seasonal” USB's: Pentecost 2 (September–November) *; Advent, Christmas, Epiphany (December–March); Lent, Easter (March–June); and Pentecost 1 (June–August). The first three seasonal USB's are packaged together, as a 9-month set of USB's. The resources for Pentecost 1 are sent separately, at a later day. Seasons on USB resources requires minimal printing and shipping and is, therefore, a more earth-friendly way to publish.
(* each set of dates is approximate)

Order one Age-level resource on USB for each group of up to twelve participants. Copyright permission allows for the contents of each USB to be stored on three computers, and for the materials to be sent by email to team leaders or substitute leaders.

Seasons of the Spirit is available in ready-to-use print format

get it in print

ready-to-use format

Seasons in print offers “ready-to-use” resources, printed on recycled and recyclable paper.

One year of resources includes four “seasonal” printed packages: Pentecost 2 (September–November) *; Advent, Christmas, Epiphany (December–March); Lent, Easter (March–June); and Pentecost 1 (June–August). The first three seasons are packaged together as a 9-month set of resources and are shipped in July. The resources for Pentecost 1 are shipped separately, at a later date. The art posters for each season are included in each seasonal package.
(* each set of dates is approximate)

Order one Age-level resource in print for each group of up to twelve participants. Session materials include reproducible resource sheets that can be copied as needed for group members.

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