Past Lection Connections (The Archives)

February 26, 2023: Into the Wilderness

February 19, 2023: Sacred Encounter

February 12, 2023: From the Heart

February 5, 2023: Greatness of Heart

January 29, 2023: Beautiful Vision

January 22, 2023: Following the Call

January 15, 2023: Called Together

January 1, 2023: New Epiphanies

December 25, 2022: Joy to the World

December 18, 2022: God With Us

December 11, 2022: Singing a New Song

December 4, 2022: Playing Pretend

November 27, 2022: Tiptoeing Toward Peace

November 20, 2022: Reign of Christ

November 13, 2022: Infinite Possibilities

November 6, 2022: Praise God

October 30, 2022: The Strength of Our Witness

October 23, 2022: Other People

October 16, 2022: Never Give Up

October 9, 2022: With Loud Voices


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